How to get to The Blueberry Place:
Latitude & Longitude:
31.658733, -94.579185

If you are a local:
Take Loop 224 East - turn North on FM1878; drive ~3 miles
Take a left into Carrizo Creek Estates via CR2051
Take your first left onto CR2052
Follow the "Blueberries" signs (3rd mailbox on the left)
Are you wondering where Nacogdoches is? Google Maps will take you to the wrong location. Click here instead.
Take Loop 224 East - turn North on FM1878; drive ~3 miles
Take a left into Carrizo Creek Estates via CR2051
Take your first left onto CR2052
Follow the "Blueberries" signs (3rd mailbox on the left)
Are you wondering where Nacogdoches is? Google Maps will take you to the wrong location. Click here instead.